Wastewater Treatment

Due to our long-term experience in municipal Wastewater Treatment, we develop unique process concepts adapted to the plant – from inlet to outlet. XenicInnovation offers state-of-the-art Wastewater Treatment technologies, Sludge Treatment as well as customized process technologies for every step of the process, including tertiary treatment, MBBR, MBR and others.

Profiting from the most innovative developments in technology we uplift our portfolio from consultancy, design, supply of equipment over installation, commissioning, Operation & Maintenance up to the construction management of complete turnkey Wastewater Treatment Plants to holistic solutions with Energy Re-Use features to the benefit of our customers:

Maximize Water Re-Use

Eco-friendly and cost-efficient Energy Re-Use: XenicInnovation guarantees the production of electricity with the highest efficiency among peers in the industry

International experience and employment of local workers managed by our professionals in order to deliver Glocal standards

Energy Recovery from biogas

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